Thursday, March 5, 2020

What is it Like to Attend Auburn University

What is it Like to Attend Auburn University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Stephanie graduated from Auburn University in 2011 with a Bachelors degree in Business Administration. She tutors in Atlanta and specializes in French tutoring, Algebra tutoring, SAT prep tutoring, ACT prep tutoring, and many more subjects. Check out her review of Auburn: VT: How easy or difficult is it to get around on your campus? Is it hilly, do lots of people bike, are there buses, etc. Stephanie: It is very easy to get around on the Auburn campus. Many people bike and also walk. I used to walk from class to class. There is a bus that will pick you up from most Auburn off-campus and on-campus apartments; it is called the Tiger Transit. I used the Transit a lot, it is very convenient. VT: How helpful are the academic advisors? Stephanie: They are very helpful. You are assigned an academic advisor based on your last name and your college (business, nursing, engineering, liberal arts, etc.) VT: How would you describe the dorm life? Stephanie: The dorm life is very fun. I lived in the Hill dorms my freshman year. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Stephanie: At Auburn, there are so many different majors and colleges to choose from. From Engineering to Nursing, Auburn has it all. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Stephanie: For me, freshman year at Auburn was easy to make friends. Whether you came along with some friends or don't know anyone, you'll adapt easily to the campus and the school. Just be active and participate in your classes, attend any social events whether it be in your dorm or with your roommates, and join a Greek organization if you have the desire to. At Auburn, there are also many clubs and organizations to become a part of aside from the fraternities and sororities, many of which can help you connect and communicate with fellow students. VT: How helpful is the Career Center? Stephanie: The Career Center is very helpful. They helped me tweak my resume, as well as helped me find out which job field I wanted to go into. The resources at the Career Center, and Auburn in general, for students are phenomenal. VT: How are the various study areas? Libraries? The Student Union? Dorm lounges? Stephanie: The library is very large, a total of 5 floors. The very top floor is a quiet study floor. The remaining floors have study tables, rooms, etc. for studying. The resources in the library are very good and useful. I worked at one of them - Study Partners, a peer tutoring program, where college students tutor other college students for free for 50 minute sessions at a time. The student union is fairly new, just built a couple of years ago. There is a Starbucks and a Chick-Fil-A as well as several other mini restaurants to eat lunch at. There is also room to study in the Student Union. The dorm lounges consist of couches and a meeting space, also good for studying with groups. VT: What is the surrounding town like? What are the best local attractions that make it unique? Stephanie: Auburn is a small, fun college town. The town right by Auburn that I frequently visited is Opelika. Just 15-20 minutes from campus in Opelika is a neat little area called Tiger Town - lots of shopping! VT: How big or small is the student body and how does that affect your experience? Stephanie: The student body at Auburn consists of over 25,000 students. The size, rather large, however, does not affect the experience in a negative way at all. It is very easy to make friends who share your interests, and everybody, including the faculty is willing to help. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one you dreaded the most. Stephanie: I loved all of my French courses and professors. More specifically, when I studied abroad in Paris, I was able to become close with one of my professors, and actually went to her apartment in the city. She writes me recommendations and is a good friend, still as of today. It is really good and beneficial to be close with your professors, especially in the subjects in which you excel at. Check out Stephanies tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

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